Sunday, June 29, 2014

Grill Master

Any time we can get our hands on a grill we take full advantage. One of our favorite things to make is kabobs because they're super easy and flavorful and you can add whatever meat and veggies sound appealing. For this time around we picked beef, shrimp, onions, mushrooms, and green peppers.

To really get the best flavor you want to marinate your beef for as long as possible. This goes for chicken as well, seafood doesn't need to marinate quite as long. We opted to make our marinade the night before we wanted them for dinner.

We chose a teriayki marinade, something that pairs well with both beef and shrimp. Unfortunately I don't have the exact marinade to post here, it was scratched on a piece of paper and I have been unable to locate it. Once I do I'll be sure to post it. For a teriayki marinade think soy sauce, garlic, things of that nature.

Before you do anything get that grill going! You want it nice and hot so your kabobs sizzle when you put them on.

To start, chop your green pepper and onion into slices and cut your mushrooms in half. Love the colors!

Then take your marinated beef cubes (you can buy prepackaged kabob meat at the grocery store) and defrosted and peeled shrimp and start placing them on the skewers. You can use metal or wood, but be sure to soak the wood ones for at least 10 minutes before use so they don't catch on fire.

There's no rhyme or reason to placement of things on the skewer. Do whatever arrangement you like!

Once your grill is ready, pile on the skewers and baste with the excess marinade (there's a piece where you put the excess on the stove and add in some cornstarch to make it thick but that's also in the missing recipe!). Turn at least once and be sure to baste the skewer again. You can cook them however long you desire, but definitely until at least the shrimp are pink.

These turned out so well! We made a ton of skewers thinking that we would have plenty extra to take home but in the end there were only 3 left! I like a decent amount of marinade on mine and fortunately there was plenty on these so you really got all of the flavor. The meat was a nice medium to medium rare and the vegetables added a good crunch.

Here's our little dinner setup:

And the grill master himself hard at work!

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